At Pure Fitness, we're committed to providing a safe and welcoming place for everybody.
To ensure we maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene in our gyms we've invested in extensive cleaning, hand sanitizing stations, air ventilation systems and we provide plenty of self-cleaning stations for members to wipe down their kit. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for our members to workout.

We continuously invest in maintaining our operations and systems to look out for you when you’re inside our gyms. With 24/7 CCTV monitoring and emergency help points located throughout the gym, there’s always help at hand if you need it. Plus, we have automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and first aid kits in all of our gyms for emergency assistance. Our gyms provide accessible doors entrances, restrooms, and facilities, and we run dedicated induction sessions to introduce all members to their new gym so they can use it safely and confidently.

'Everybody Welcome' is central to our community and our goal to create a safe and positive space for everyone. Our gyms are friendly and supportive where everybody can come in, work out and leave feeling good. Safety is at the cornerstone of positive experience in our gyms and we have strict policies in place to ensure all our members have the right to be and to feel safe, regardless of size, ability, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, or sexual orientation. If your experience falls short of this, we would like to know about it. Please contact our dedicated care team at [email protected].

For general enquiries, you can find helpful information from our Help Center or for more information on our safety commitment, please contact [email protected].